Transforming anger, frustration or resentment into positive energy
There is a scenario that I see on a fairly regular basis with my clients – anger, frustration or resentment as a result a person (or situation) not listening to their inner voice
Most recent case in point…
Joe has a group of friends who he realizes aren’t really healthy to be around- they’re superficial and self involved but this is his current and only social network. They pull on him for his time and guilt him when he doesn’t show up. He ends up going to events he doesn’t want to go to and being frustrated about it.
His inner voice is telling him to go a different direction in life – one that is more spiritually focused yet, he holds back because of the fear of what that would mean – its an unknown alternate reality (he fears a world without friends). Then he finds himself getting angry and building resentment toward the people and the situation.
The story leads us to these 2 crucial realizations that will transform everything:
- Your inner voice knows your destiny and wants to step into the unknown
- Despite what your ego wants you to believe – that destiny (and unknown) is a good destiny
The 1st step toward that destiny is realizing when your projecting your anger – hint: if your blaming someone or a situation for your anger, this is when to ask yourself, “what am I actually angry about?” IT almost always has to do entirely with you.
Once you get in touch with this, you can get more clear if there is a step you need to take.
Often, the next step involves creating a boundary. In the example above, Joe needs to set boundaries with his friends, even if it means they are going to project guilt on him(by the way -this is their projection of their own pain. Projecting pain is a whole other topic). Joe can say, “I’m not going to the event tonite” and let the chips fall. That simple statement stands in the face of his fear and brings him into more integrity with his inner voice.
There is an equation that distills this entire process.
Anger > Listen to Inner Voice > Create Boundaries > Integrity > Integral Being
Integral Being is the state of being totally at peace and at home within yourself regardless of what is happening in the world around you. The more we act in Integrity and stop caring so much what others think, the closer we get to Integral Being.
Next time your angry try out this process. Let me know how it works for you…